Birthday Pool Parties


Celebrate your birthday with us!

Peak Pool Party Info

15 kids + $5 for each additional child

2 responsible adults are required for supervision.

**Children under 5 must have an adult in the pool with them** (4:1 ratio)

Cost: $175/member $195/non-member

Deposit of $75 required to secure a birthday party booking at the Peak. Reservations cannot be confirmed until signed Party Agreement and deposit are received and processed by our staff. A confirmation email or text will be sent upon completion of booking.

Party includes 2 hour use of pools and Hazelnut Studio. In the party room tables and chairs are provided, hosts may bring food, drinks and decoration. No alcohol or glitter/confetti.

No charge for adult guests who remain with the party group.


Available Party Days/Times

Saturdays 10am – 12pm | 1pm – 3pm | 4pm – 6pm

Sundays     1pm – 3pm | 4pm – 6pm

Additional Info:

Access: Party host may arrive 20 minutes prior to party time to set up/decorate room. All non member party attendees must leave the Peak no later than 15 minutes after the party’s scheduled end time.

Clean up: Parents are expected to place all trash and debris inside designated receptacles  and vacuum prior to vacating the reserved area. Failure to do so will result in non refund of deposit.

Parents may bring decorations as they see fit, with the following restrictions:

No decorations may be “pinned” or nailed to any surface.

No glitter or confetti.

Deposit is refundable if room is left clean after the party. Refunds will be processed the week following the party.

Food & Drink: Party host may bring food and non-alcoholic beverages to serve during the birthday party, refrigerators and/or freezers may not be available for storage. All food and drink must be removed from the reserved area following the party.

Download the Pool Party Agreement HERE

Call us at 727-7325 or email for more information!

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