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City Blends Smoothie Cafe

City Blends Smoothie Cafe at the Peak

The Peak is now serving City Blends Smoothies! Whether you’re bulking up, shedding weight, or just looking to reward yourself with a healthy treat for your hard work, we’ve got you covered.

Burners - Prepared with both Fat Loss packs and Whey Protein, these blends will boost your metabolism, increase your energy, and assist with fat loss.

Builders - If lean muscle growth is your goal, Whey Builder Protein blends will help get you there!

Gainers - Gainer Protein blends make for sufficient meal replacements and a tasty snack for those seeking muscle growth and weight gain.

Superfood Smoothie - This treat is made with our well-rounded Superfood Blend containing vitamins, amino acids, fiber, and omega-3, boosted with your choice of Superfood Juice!

Keto Smoothie - Blended with Purus Labs KetoFeed® Protein, this smoothie will aid in weight loss, mental focus, cellular energy, and performance.

Fat Loss Pack - boosts metabolism, increases energy, and assists with fat loss.

Energy Pack - improves the use of oxygen in your muscles, helping with longer aerobic workouts and recovery.

Green Pack - packed with nutrients for healthy cells, detoxifying the body, and overall health.

Vita Pack - a nourishing blend of vitamins and minerals that keeps the body strong and energized.

Protein - promotes lean muscle growth.

Creatine - promotes muscle growth and speeds up muscle recovery during longer workouts.

Glutamine - supports immune and intestinal health, minimizes the breakdown of muscle tissue and improves protein metabolism.

Collagen - promotes strong bones and joints, muscle growth, and healthier skin, hair, and nails.

City Kicker - a blend of caffeine, b-vitamins, amino acids, and other nutrients for energy, attention, and performance.

Try the PEAK for 7-days FREE

Whether you are just starting an exercise program or training for a competition,
you are going to love what this staff and gym bring to the neighborhood!
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