Peak Health & Wellness Center - 1800 Benefis Court, Great Falls, MT 59405 Take The Murph Challenge with us on Memorial Day, Monday, May 27. The Murph Challenge consists of the following: ...while wearing a 20 lb. weighted vest. No sign up required! Participants may...
Peak West Bank Landing - 401 3rd St NW, Great Falls, MT 59404 Join us at Peak West Bank Landing for strength and mind-body classes on Memorial Day! Monday, May 27 Classes will take place in the South Studio. 9:00-9:50 AM - Les Mills BODYPUMP...
Peak Health & Wellness Center - 1800 Benefis Court, Great Falls, MT 59405 Join us on the International Day of Yoga for a pranayama class with Peak yoga instructor, Nadine Corda. Friday, June 21, 6:00pm - 7:00pm This class is open to Peak Members only...
Peak Health & Wellness Center - 1800 Benefis Court, Great Falls, MT 59405 How long can you hold a one-legged balance on the Bosu Balance Trainer? Monday, June 24 - Free to try with your membership or day pass! No sign up required. Meet us...