2025 Health & Wellness Quest – Take a journey to elevate your fitness and quality of life!
Gather a team of six people ages 14+ to compete for $1,000 CASH in the PEAK’s Health & Wellness Quest! Participants will receive six weeks of gym access to PEAK Health & Wellness Center and PEAK West Bank Landing, structured workouts, food plans, and health coaching as well as other accountability resources throughout the challenge.
Team and individual progress is assessed using InBody body composition assessments and Kinotek functional movement assessments at the beginning and end of the program. Whichever team shows the most total change by the end of the six weeks wins the cash prize! But there are plenty of opportunities for individuals to win prizes too, whether they’ve shed pounds, gained muscle, or gained mobility!
Our 2025 Quest is in progress!
Follow us on social media to stay up-to-date on the Quest. Check in after February 21 for the results and winners!
Questions? Contact Shanda Leritz – shanda@peakgreatfalls.com
Thank you to the following local businesses for sponsoring this program through outreach and rewards for our participants!