
Spartan SGX – 8 Sessions Left!

Peak Main - Synrgy Area 1800 Benefis Court, Great Falls

Peak Main - 1800 Benefis Court Spartan Small Group Training is back! Train like a Spartan and learn to overcome any obstacle- both on AND off the course. Sessions will be held: March 6 - April 27 Mondays & Thursdays, 5:30 - 6:30pm Peak Main...


Self-Defense Series

Peak Health & Wellness Center 1800 Benefis Court, Great Falls

Peak Main: 1800 Benefis Court, Great Falls, MT Mondays, April 17 - May 22, 6:00 - 7:00 PM This self-defense class will provide each participant with tools to overcome dangerous encounters, from learning to diffuse situations verbally to how to kick and make a fist...

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